2019 SEO Checklist for New Website Launch

We’ve put together a new website launch seo checklist to ensure you are covering the basis of SEO on-page optimisation guidelines.

Use our infographic below to ensure you are following these 10 steps to get the most out of your website.

  1. URL structure
    Ensure your URL is structured and clean using relevant keywords.
  2. Meta titles
    Use a meta title appropriate to your page or post topic. Target your keyword first and then your business name remembering to stick below 60 characters.
  3. Meta descriptions
    Write a good quality meta description relating back to your page or post to gain users interest. Keep the description below 160 characters.
  4. Headings
    Use headings in the content relevant to your topic and meta title, remembering to use only on H1 H2, H3, H4.
  5. Keywords
    Use keywords naturally throughout your content that relate to your topic or post.
  6. Valuable content
    Aim to write engaging, useful copy at a minimum of 400+ words.
  7. Internal linking
    Internally link to other pages and posts on your site using a topic cluster model. You should also externally link your posts to other sites where relevant.
  8. Mobile friendly
    Ensure your site is mobile friendly and optimised for speed.
  9. Compress your images.
    Optimise your images to ensure your site loads quickly. Did you know 40% of people will leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load?
  10. Alt text
    Use descriptive alt text on your images to assist search engine crawlers.

SEO Checklist infographic

SEO Checklist Infographic


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