
Website Optimisations

Website Launch Checklist & Quality Assurance (QA) Process

There are just shy of 400 new websites being launched on the internet every minute of the day, but just think how many of them actually go through a proper website launch checklist. Taking the time to run through a solid quality assurance (QA) process and launch checklist might be all it takes to be one step in front of your competition.

According to a study released early in 2019, 59% of small businesses in Australia alone are yet to have a website. It’s now a year later, and the world of business is moving at a desperate pace to get online and – more importantly – to stand out.

This article isn’t about what makes a good website, but more to help you verify what you already have, or are about to launch, has gone through some basic quality assurance checks to ensure the website is in good condition and will perform ok out of the box from day one. Consider this website launch checklist a process similar to checking your tyre pressure, oil and lights on your car before you depart on a road trip.

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Fix your Shopify store speed issues. You know you have them!

We’re a committed Shopify Partner Agency that works with a lot of complex and high-end Shopify stores. A common pattern we find with general Shopify stores is around performance, which is typically isolated to these main areas.

  • JavaScript
  • CLS & LCP
  • Image processing and display
  • Coding practices

Let’s dive into this a bit deeper.

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Craft CMS

Why Use Craft CMS?

Here at Punch Buggy, we run a CMS agnostic shop and have a lot of choices available for which Content Management System to use.  Over the years, we’ve become bigger & bigger fans & supporters of Craft CMS, developed by Pixel & Tonic. There are several major reasons we’d lean towards using Craft over any other, and they all relate to ease of use for our clients, as well as best practices for development that we can all be proud of. Some of this is technical, but it all serves the same point – Craft is a powerful, flexible system that’s easy to use.

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Craft Eager Loading

All CMS-driven websites rely on one form of a database or another. This database contains almost all of the content and the configuration of the site.  For some sites, almost everything except the aesthetics of the site is stored in the database.

A database differs from regular, boring file storage in that it stores data in a structured, organised manner. This organisation means that one piece of information can relate to another and be organised, and then searched, in a structural manner – not unlike browsing the shelves in a store.  These search requests are known as queries. You can do a lot of cool stuff with a simple database, and a smartly designed DB will carry a site a long way.

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