Have all your systems working for you


Integrate anything with everything

  • HOYTS Cinema Feed
  • POS Online Ordering
  • Hotel Booking Platforms such as Protel
  • Web API’s for mobile apps
  • HubSpot Custom Forms & Subscribe Opt-ins
  • Marketo & Salesforce Forms & Subscribes
  • Shopify Apps
  • Email and sending platforms including SMS gateways
  • Filemaker
  • and many more.


Integrate all of Google’s online tools for complete efficiency when running your business.

  • Google My Business + Maps
  • Google Analytics Reporting
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Charts

Payment gateways & Accounting

Consolidate all of your payment touchpoints into the one interface including contacts and invoices.

  • Xero
  • Westpac Migs
  • eWAY
  • PayPal
  • Braintree
  • Zippay
  • Afterpay

Integrate shipping software into your website keeping all of your information in the once place, including inventory.

  • Vend
  • DHL
  • Invenco
  • Australia Post

Our clients and integrations.


The Healthy Chef - Xero integration

The Healthy Chef is a large eCommerce store that sells premium health food products.

The problem:
As The Healthy Chef grew in size and their number of online orders increased, handling the accounts was becoming a real headache.

The solution:
With the help of Punch Buggy and a new accounting team, The Healthy Chef made the transition to Xero from a traditional desktop accounting software.

We created an integration with their existing ExpressionEngine & CartThrob eCommerce store. Every order that is placed on the website, and is successful, is automatically created as a contact, invoice and a payment.

This means that The Healthy Chef have significantly reduced their book keeping and can now track inventory through Xero. It is also used to run accurate sales reports on individual products and categories of products.


Baobag Xero integration

Baobag are a market research company that provide free product samples to mums at various stages of their motherhood journey.

The problem:
Baobag wanted to provide better communication with their partner brands around the results and feedback that Baobag received from Mums. They also wanted to communicate what was required from the brand themselves to get the samples out to market.

The solution:
As part of a large digital transformation Punch Buggy have created a dashboard in CraftCMS that allows their brand partners to see real time information and results from the market research. It also allows marketing managers to see when deliveries of product samples need to be sent to Baobag and for the accounts team to see when invoices are due.

This is where Xero comes in. Each brand in the dashboard is linked to a contact in Xero. Baobag staff can login to the dashboard and see recently paid invoices, invoices that are due and overdue.